It's the most wonderful time of the year! As much as I LOVE Christmas, I love getting organized that much more!! The beginning of organizing season starts with Christmas decor storage. Below are my top 5 tips for storing holiday decor.
1. Wreath & Garland Storage
This year I finally decided to purchase proper wreath and garland bags, instead of using my handy garbage bags, and what a difference! I purchased a few too many because I didn't realize how roomy they are. I have over 10 pieces of faux 6 ft. garland, and I was able to fit it all comfortably into one bag.

2. Christmas Tree Storage
This year we purchased a faux tree so we could shoot the holiday photos for the shop in October. Since we typically have a real tree each Christmas, I wasn't sure what storing it would look like, and my goodness is it big! I haven't put away the faux tree just yet, however I purchased this bag for it. It seems durable and should do the trick! We also have a small faux Christmas tree that I'm hoping to squeeze into the same bag. If not, I typically just cover the little tree with a plastic bag and keep it standing upright in the corner of our storage room.

3. Ornament Storage
I purchased my ornament storage containers a few years ago from HomeSense; they tend to have them each year. They're made from a thick cardboard and they have compartments inside for your ornaments. Although they do the trick, my mom purchased these 2 years ago, and they're SO much better! They have the same compartments as mine, however they're larger and have pockets on the side for larger, non-breakable ornaments, twinkle lights or anything else really! They're currently on sale and I'm VERY tempted to make the switch.

4. Good Ol' Clear Totes
The rest of our holiday decor goes into large clear totes. The exact bins I have are no longer available, however I found these, which are similar. I like that they're clear so I can see what's inside. This is where I store everything that doesn't fit into the Christmas storage solutions above. This is also how I store decor for all other holidays. We have a bin (or 3!) for Halloween, Easter, and Spring. If possible, I use large clear Ziploc bags to keep things organized inside the bin. These drawer dividers are also great to use at the bottom to keep smaller items in place.

5. Garland
I store our garlands in the clear totes above, however I wrap each one around a piece of cardboard so that it doesn't get tangled. This is a huge time saver (and headache saver) once it comes to decorating your home for the holidays again!

I hope this helps you in getting your Christmas decor organized after the holidays! If there are any other tips and tricks that you think would be useful, please leave them below! I'm always looking for new ways to get (and stay!) organized.