Hi Friends! Nothing too crazy has been happening since my last update (thankfully), but it has been a super busy summer. Our home build is in full swing, which means I'm knee-deep in sourcing materials, attending design meetings, and making countless decisions. This house is proving to be a bit of a challenge for me. I’m really trying to stay true to my style, which I don't think I did the best job at in my last home. Don't get me wrong, I loved our previous home, but there are some design decision I made that I wish I did different. It’s so easy to get caught up in trends - it's really true that the more of something you see, the more you're convinced you like it, and social media definitely doesn't help with that. I find that I like different aesthetics, so I’m working hard to strike the right balance and incorporate what I love from each one into our home. This keeps me up at night, as I overanalyze all my choices, which I truthfully don't really mind, but I'm tired LOL. The plan is to have the house fully framed with a roof, windows, and brick by October. Wish us luck—and less rain!

Work has been a bit tricky this summer since we now have the TKL storefront. In the past, summer was slower, and it was almost like I could take the season "off." This year I can't take as much time off, and juggling work with spending time with my kids is challenging some days. All I really want to do is hang out with them. I know many people are counting down to school starting, and while I do love a good routine, I get so sad when September comes and my little sidekicks go back to school. My plan was to take most of August off from work, however as we gear up for fall, and are now starting to prep the fall box (can you believe it's our 4 year anniversary of The TKL Box this fall?!), this might be a challenge. Please don't mistake this as a complaint, I'm just sharing as I know many other working mamas feel the same, and it's nice to know you're not alone - the struggle is real!

In other exciting news, our puppy has been born! He arrived in July, and we’re expecting to bring him home mid to late September. We haven’t been able to visit the puppies yet, but I’ll be sure to share when we do—I can hardly wait! Here’s a question for my you! We had named the pup we were originally going to bring home. The kids still want to keep the name because they feel like we never got to live with him. I get where they're coming from, but it also feels a bit weird to me. What do you think? Should we keep the name or change it? If you’re on team “change the name,” please send me some ideas! I love human names for pets, but I’m open to anything.

That’s about it from me! The kids are just finishing up their last camp this week, and then it’s camp mom moving forward. We have a few more cottage visits planned, including one special trip for my dad’s milestone birthday, which I’m really looking forward to. Hopefully, we’ll squeeze in a few more beach days before August slips away from us.