2019 is shaping up to be quite the year for our little family! As many of you know, we are building a home, and also growing by two little feet! No, we’re not crazy [although some days I think we might be], we actually couldn’t be more thrilled! I am just over 3 months pregnant, which means we’ll be expecting a perfect little spring baby in May 2019. The most commonly asked question is how I’m feeling, and to be honest, I’m doing better now, but the past 2 months have been a bit rough. With Stella my pregnancy was a breeze. This time around it’s a bit different. I am exhausted [similar to my last pregnancy, but now I have to keep up with a toddler] and I’ve had a very bizarre relationship with food. I felt nauseous, food would make me feel better, and then I would feel insanely ill from whatever I ate, no matter what I ate. It was pretty much nausea All. Day. Long. Side note for any pregnant mamas out there: My reflexologist [God bless her!] told me to drink pickle juice before every meal. I did this for a week straight and felt better almost immediately. In addition to not feeling well, I’ve had a bit of anxiety. At my first two ultrasounds the technician kept telling me my baby was too small and kept repeating “who even knows if this is a viable pregnancy”. I kept thinking that something was wrong, because how could I be so lucky as to have another healthy pregnancy? I know, it’s crazy! I had my third ultrasound on Friday, and I legitimately cried happy tears all day that day, because we were assured that baby is doing well, which has really put my mind at ease. I know many people have it a lot harder than me, I’m most definitely not complaining. There is so much more good in all of this than anything else. Like Stella lifting my shirt and saying, “HI BABY!” and giving my tummy kisses. It melts my heart every time. My husband is also the best! He offers daily foot massages and will bring me whatever I’m craving [bean and cheese burritos, all day, every day!]. A lot of you have also asked if we'll be finding out the sex of the baby, and the answer is no. We didn’t find out with Stella either. There was something really special about my husband yelling “it’s a girl!” in the delivery room [I literally just teared up writing that, the prego emotions are REAL!]. I am so grateful to be able to experience this again [I truly love being pregnant] and be a mom of TWO! For anyone that is trying to conceive, we’re sending all our baby fairy dust and prayers your way, as I know this doesn’t come easily to everyone. I hope you continue to follow our family along on this little journey of ours! And for all you moms and dads out there of 2 or more, leave me your tips and tricks! How do you parent two? What if they both need you at the same time? How do you function all day without sleeping all night with a newborn? I have so many questions, and what feels like so little time! XOCaroline