We're days away from Little Miss' SECOND birthday, so naturally I've spent my time looking through pictures of her over the past two years. I came across her first birthday, and since I've received a few questions about her first birthday party, I've decided to list all the details here.
We had the party at our "new house" before we started construction. It was really special having one of our first big family events here. We only invited our immediate family, and closest besties, however Polish and Italian families roll deep, so our little bungalow accommodated almost 60 people!

Since the name Stella means Star, it was the perfect theme! Our girl wore a tutu dress made by Wraredoll. At the time they had a dress with a star confetti filled skirt, which couldn't have been more fitting! For her cake smash shoot, she wore the most stunning handcrafted lace crown, which I bought from a little Etsy shop called Love Crush Crowns. At her party she wore a personalized wool felt crown from RH Baby and Kids, which is now part of her dress up collection.
For decor, we kept things sweet and simple. We had star balloons with a star garland, and balloons filled with star confetti [similar]! I also created my own poster on Vistaprint and had it printed to fit one of our frames. Below the frame I hung her monthly photos. I LOVE our cake smash photos done by Lolabean Photos so I also had these printed. I used these frames from Ikea to display the prints on the sweet table. Lastly, I covered the sweet table with wooden star confetti from Creative Bag for an added star touch [as if there wasn't enough already LOL].

The sweet table was our focal point. The cake was made by my Babcia [she makes all our cakes, even my wedding cake!]. The mini caramel crunch cakes and mini cupcakes were ordered from Yellow Cup Cafe, and Honeydoll Bakehouse made us the SWEETEST custom shortbread star and #1 cookies! I also had them make star eyed emoji cookies for the older kids' loot bags, which were a HUGE hit.
Lastly, since the house was pretty much vacant, I used the bedrooms for different activities. I had kids of all different ages, so I had to get creative! I filled one room with bean bag chairs, a TV and XBOX [safe to say the older kids thought it was the best 1 year old's birthday party to date!]. The second bedroom was a craft room, with the CUTEST little table and chair rentals from Plate Occasions. All of the crafts were from the dollar store, and kept the kids [and many adults] busy for hours. Last but not least, we had a baby playroom. I covered the floors with soft mats, borrowed a small bouncy castle and filled it with some of Stella's favourite toys.

The party was a hit, we had something for everyone and our girl had the BEST time. I can't wait to start decorating for this year's festivities. It's going to be much smaller than her 60 person star filled fiesta, however I'm very excited to see Stella's reaction to her theme [hint: it's her favourite animal], and to celebrate two years of having this very special little girl in our life.

What do you do to celebrate your children's birthdays? Let me know in the comments below, I'm always looking for new ideas!